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Economic Profiles

Invest in St. Pierre-Jolys Community Profile

A community and economic snapshot of St. Pierre-Jolys. 


Service Hub & Trade Corridor Sector Profile

Featured opportunities to invest in St. Pierre-Jolys' Service Hub & Trade Corridor.


Tourism & Visitor Experience  Sector Profile

Featured opportunities to invest in the Village's recreation, festivals and tourism experience.


Targeted Residential Development Sector Profile

Featured opportunities to invest in St. Pierre-Jolys' housing market.


Information Technology  & Innovation Sector Profile

Featured opportunities for the Village as destination for research and technology.


Village de/of St-Pierre-Jolys Background Study

Provides a current snapshot of the Village of St-Pierre-Jolys (the Village). Through careful analysis of current trends, we can better inform the land use decisions that shape citizens, community, environment and commerce characteristics throughout the Village.


Manitoba’s Clinical & Preventive Services Plan Final Report

A report created by front-line providers and clinical experts from across Manitoba on the development of Manitoba’s Clinical and Preventive Services Plan, a made-in-Manitoba plan to deliver better health outcomes, shorter wait times and improved national rankings.


Manitoba Tourism & Partnership Opportunities

Travel Manitoba’s focus on revitalizing and rebuilding the tourism industry. Investments made today will help get the industry back on track sooner


Studies & Reports
St. Pierre-Jolys Planning Documents

St. Pierre-Jolys Development Plan

The Development Plan provides a framework of goals, objectives, and policies for management and use of land, along with its future development, within the St. Pierre-Jolys village boundaries.


St. Pierre-Jolys Zoning By-law

St. Pierre-Jolys' Zoning bylaw regulates and controls the use and development of land and buildings within the Village and supports in implementing the Development Plan.


St. Pierre-Jolys Zoning By-law Handbook

St. Pierre-Jolys' Zoning Administration Handbook provides a framework for Zoning and Development Permits, specifically the procedures, interpretations and methodology.


Provincial Planning

Manitoba Provincial Land Use Planning Regulation

The Provincial Land Use Policies reflect the Manitoba government’s interest in land and resource use and sustainable development, and provides policy direction for land use planning.

Manitoba Provincial Planning Act

The purpose of this legislation is to provide a community planning framework for Manitoba that promotes economic growth, environmental sustainability, social and cultural development, and sustainable communities.

Planning Resource Guide: Subdivision in Manitoba

The Planning Resource Guide provides the necessary process, requirements and expectations regarding subdivision approvals.

The CDC's mission is to strive towards profit and expertise, in promoting and supporting growth in business and community development. Our Strategic Plan outline three economic goals with a set of corresponding action items and outcomes.


En Boom Strategic Plan 2022-2023

Design standard and construction policy for  the Village’s wastewater collection system. The wastewater conveyance system in the Village consists of a gravity sewer network, a small low-pressure sewer (LPS) system, and three lift stations.


St. Pierre-Jolys Servicing Standards for Design and Construction Policy

Grounded in feedback from resident, business and community stakeholders, the Plan provides a clear road map for the Village to act on relevant priorities and objectives through the necessary allocation of resources as a Municipality – human, fiscal, physical and environmental. 


Municipal Strategic Plan Volume 2

Fondé sur les commentaires des résidents, des entreprises et des intervenants de la communauté, le plan a fourni une feuille de route claire permettant au Village d’agir sur les priorités et les objectifs pertinents grâce à l’allocation nécessaire des ressources en tant que Municipalité - humaines, fiscales, physiques et environnementales.

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Plan stratégique municipal, volume 2

Strategy & Policy

A Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan

Manitoba's bold climate vision is to become Canada's cleanest, greenest, and most climate resilient province.


Energy Efficiency Option Analysis for Municipal Buildings

A feasibility study for district community-based renewable heat and renewable energy systems capitalize on local resources.


Climate Action & Sustainability

Reports & Publications

St. Pierre-Jolys Reasources and Information

Stats & Resources

Available Information From
St. Pierre-Jolys
Contact Us

Ready to start your next business investment or expansion in St-Pierre-Jolys? There are several incentives and supports available to assist investors and business. Contact one of our representative for support in investing in The Village of St-Pierre-Jolys.

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